Monday, April 16, 2007

Day 14

This is just a silly one for today because I always have the lazies on Mondays. I'll work on this week's theme starting tomorrow. I think it's a GREAT theme, can't wait.

Anyway, saw this and just CRACKED up. I figured I'd have another decade or so before my kid crashed face down in a book, LOL. I was sitting at the bottom of the bed playing on MZ and when I looked back over, he was out just like this. Love it! It was super hard to focus because it was so dark in there. I used the manual focus because auto just wasn't finding him well. I oddly prefer manual focus anyway.


Heather said...

Awwwww! How sweet!

jessstephkylesmom said...

awwww That is so cute!!

Amanda said...

AWWW! A boy and his Tomas... that is adorable.