Monday, April 30, 2007

Day 26

Here's an interesting one. I found the four leaf clover in a previous post in my yard. I have a section of my grass that tends to have them more often for some reason. Anyway, yesterday (since I'm posting this one day late), DS and I went for a long walk. DH and I are in the process of making a very major decision in our lives and as he and I crossed a grassy area between two strip malls, I thought, "if this is the right decision, please let me see a four leaf clover." I know it's a strange thing, but sometimes I just look for signs when it comes to making these decisions. Well... I looked down as soon as I thought that, and this is what I saw:
These were all in about a 1sq ft section. Isn't that wild! It was a tough picture to take. I just couldn't get far enough/high enough away from them to get them really in focus. Also, by the time we got home, some of them weren't looking so fresh anymore. I think you can get the idea, though. Yep, I'd say we're making the right decision. ;)


Maggie said...

Crimeny I've never even seen ONE four leaf clover...much less multiple!

Holly said...

That is sooooooo cool!

Heather said...

Wow Melissa!! Talk about a SIGN!!!

Amanda said...

I've done the SAME thing before... it's not silly. Really cool picture too- I love that it not only is creative, but it also captures a memory.

jessstephkylesmom said...

wow What LUCK! LOL!

Laura said...

I can't even find ONE!!I'd say you were making the right decision! LOL