Thursday, April 26, 2007

Day 23

This is good old George. George was adopted was adopted in September, and we knew had special needs when we adopted him. His disability affects his coordination and it affects his ability to make rational decisions. He's a sweetie pie and his favorite human in the world is my son. We have many pictures of him snuggling our little guy while both of them are sound asleep. Anyway, today I was putting my son down for a nap and I heard this rustling. I could NOT figure out where it was coming from and I was just leaning to peek over the hamper when I noticed this:
This one gives you a better idea of how deep the hamper is.

That hamper is a good 2 1/2 feet tall. I can NOT for the life of me figure out how he managed to get in there. He's just not generally able to jump well. I thought it was such a funny picture I had to grab my camera. It was hard to take well, though, because it was dark in there and it's hard to focus in the dark. Still, I think they're cute!


Maggie said...

Oh how sweet. I'm glad George found your family. Not a lot of people are willing to take in animals with disabilities.

Holly said...

I have the same hamper, it is deep! That is such a cute photo. It's so great you opened your heart to a special cat.

Tanya said...

Cats can get in anywhere if they have it in there mind. They are very determined. That was great he has found a nice home!

Jess said...

How sweet! I wanted to reach out and pet George! He looks so soft and cuddly!

Heather said...

Awww, what a sweet cat!